Monday, January 27, 2025

PRE-ORDER ACQUIRED: Batman ‘66 Clock King

Look. This isn’t Paul F. Tompkins. But for now it’s as close as we’re gonna get.I did end up doing the “cancel the pre-order and get it some place that had it in stock because I was  concerned I wouldn’t get it at all” thing I ended up doing with Vincent Price. But my specific brand of McFarlane Retro Batman Completionism demanded it.

Because Clock King is in the #1 Completionism Category - characters from the TV show bearing the likenesses of the actors who played them. Especially villains. Especially weirdo villains. Clock King ticks all these boxes. He’s just a guy in a suit and a top hat and cape with clocks haphazardly appliquéd on him, a janky, half-assed design that the toy accurately replicates. Which is the utter joy of this line.

The pic is an obvious gag at the resemblance to PFT but I enjoy how it turned out and it gave me nmore practice with masking.

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