Collecting Joe Classified figures led to watching some of the old show. Watching some of the old show made me wand the Original Three Dreadnoks - Torch, Buzzer, Ripper. I got Torch, and was gifted Buzzer and Ripper (above, with Torch).
Then the whole Animal Buddies thing got me to get Gnawgahyde, which led to “oh shit I have almost all the Dreadnoks because I bought Zarana on clearance cheap last year”, which led to buying Road Pig, which led to pre-ordering Zandar, who ended up shipping WAY earlier than his release date indicated so he’ll be here next week.
So, here we are with Ripper and Buzzer. They’re both faithful to a Classified-up version of their cartoon looks, in the best possible way. That does mean that Buzzer is a little bit duller than Ripper, because Buzzer is more of a Guy In Clothes and Ripper is more of a leathered up punk with a lot more stuff going on.
They both have a primary weapon - Jaws of Life for Ripper, big chainsaw for Buzzer, and then the Classified array of additional bits and bobs, along with the excellent articulation
If I have a criticism, it’s that they both have double-handed weapons that are… an exciting challenge to get into their two hands. The articulation and hand sculpts/plastic are JUST BARELY up to the task, so there’s very little margin for error. That plus the desire to get another Buzzer weapon into the pic is why I decided to one-hand the chainsaw.
The pic is a pick background from the episode Jungle Trap, written by Paul Dini, which opens with the very unfortunate but memorable line, “The savagery of the jungle mixed with the excitement of a city. Where else but India.” Thanks, the 80’s!
Did some new stuff to try to match bacgrounds and also something I saw in a YouTube video to accentuate Torch’s flame and I think it turned out pretty good.
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