Sunday, January 26, 2025

BONUS SEQUENCE BREAK: Unrivaled Toni Storm

EVENTS FORCED MY HAND.Oh, what a complicated tale.

Around the time the first Toni Storm figure from Jazwares came out, featuring her red and black gear”punk rock” look, she had become “Timeless” Toni Storm, one of the greatest creations in the history of professional wrestling.

So I didn’t GET the Classic Toni figure because I wanted Timeless Toni.

Around the time I got the Timeless figure, which you’ve seen a couple times now, Toni Storm returned from her post-loss hiatus… in the red and black, having seemingly forgotten the last three years of her life, including her entire AEW run and becoming Timeless Toni.

So, goddammit, I needed this figure. But they were all gone on the primary market. So I kept an eye out and found a small indie toy store online selling one loose and complete for $23 after tax and shipping. It even had the protective plastic. You see, this Toni is yet another member of the Jazwares Rubber Jacket club. She also comes with sunglasses (not shown) and no rocking out hands (shown). And a championship belt.

I knew from the start this was the picture I wanted. It was clear in my head and what you’re seeing here is for all practical intents and purposes 100% what I had in mind. I had to borrow Thunder Rosa’s rawk hands for this but that wasn’t an issue.Add in a new shot of the Timeless figure, a lot of post processing, and bam, both Toni Storms. And it was in the can for about a week when, on Collision, the dichotomy resolved itself in one of the most satisfying pro wrestling moments in years. So I had to post early.

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