Friday, March 30, 2018

Weekly Wrasslin’ Wroundup (Mar 26-28)

How To Improve A US Title Match 101 
 With most Wrestlemania things settled, not a ton of EVENTS OF SIGNIFIcANCE for the week.But a few things happened.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Agents of SHIELD: “The Devil Complex”

When you need someone to make a superhero show trope work btetter than anyone else can do it, you turn to Agents of SHIELD.

Runaways: “Doomsday / Hostile”

Charmingly homeless.
Well, at least I know how the big season finale didn’t get spoiled for me in the time it took me to watch it.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Runaways: “Kingdom” through “Tsunami”

They’re just standing there AND doing something!
It took four hours to get there, but the protagonists of Runways finally started protagonizing.

Black Lightning: “The Book Of LIttle Black LIes”

Goddamn, this show is good.

Pacific Rim: Uprising

Fisting your fondness for the original.
No, seriously - save your fucking money. This movie is lukewarm garbage.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Weekly Wrasslin’ Wroundup (Mar 18-21)

Please, world, let me enjoy this without reservation.
Fairly mild week, as the road to Wrestlemania firms up beneath our tires. Oh, except for that one thing. The event of such significance that it dwarfs all other EVENTS OF SIGNIFICANCE.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Runaways: “Fifteen”

Making things with 
The plot thicks...

Agents of SHIELD: “Principa”

Axe me again if I have a shotgun.

Weekly Wrasslin’ Wroundup (3/12-15)

Yeah, I don’t mind him going over at least half these schlubs.
I don’t know why, but this week’s wrestling really resonated with me and got me excited. Either the stuff they’re doing is working better, or turning 49 has somehow opened my cold, cynical heart up to wrestling. That means a lot of EVENTS OF SIGNIFICANCE.

Black LIghtning: “Revelations”

Loved the part where she actually tries to calibrate her super-strength.
Holy shit, a lot went down in an hour of Black Lightning.

The Flash: “Run, Iris, Run”

Why is her lighning purple? Who knows.
Oh, hey, Ralph had a crisis of faith again.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Agents Of SHIELD: “The Real Deal”

The show needed more Mike.
The only real problem I had with the 100th episode of Agents of SHIELD is that they started with a bunch of stuff they wanted to have in the episode and then worked backwards.

Arrow: “Doppleganger”

Mostly more fun than a phone book to the ribs.
Last week’s Arrow was the anti-Flash.

Fastlane 2018

I have to say, I enjoyed the wrestling on Fastlane more than I expected to. Some weirdness, some questionable booking decisions, but except for the US Title Match, I enjoyed the matches. There was a pointless six-man tag on the kickoff show that I never had time to watch, but apparently Tye Dillinger pinned Mojo Rawley, and I’m always in favor of that.

Friday, March 9, 2018

PREDICTIONS: Fastlane (2018)

Sure do make you lose your mild.
“The last stop on the Road to Wrestlemania” is, as usual, more of a speed bump. For the most part, we know what the Wrestlemania plans are, and the odds of Fastlane changing that are slim to none.

Black LIghtning: “Equinox: The Book Of Fate”

Gone too soon, methinks.

The Flash: “Enter Flashtime”

Speedster Party!
This week’s Flash is evidence that not every show needs or should have season-long fights against a single, overarching villain.

Agents of SHIELD: “All The Comforts Of Home”

EVIL MILLENIAL (who’s too young to be an actual millenial probably)
Nicely done, Agents of SHIELD.

Weekly Wrasslin’ Wrounup (Mar 5-7)

Theyre really making Asuka a star. 
It’s the go-home week for Fastlane, and Smackdown is once again two hours of mostly useless garbage with decent but meaningless wrestling. EVENTS OF SIGNIFICANCE:

Friday, March 2, 2018

The Tick: “Season One, Part 2”

So. Goddamned. Good.
My intent was to gradually work my way through the rest of The Tick’s first season, but after watching one episode, we watched three more, and then watched the last two the next day, because it was damn near impossible to stop. I know two friends who had the exact same experience.

Arrow: “Collision Course”

Wow, that was some bullshit.

Weekly Wrasslin’ Wroundup (Feb 26-28)

OK week of wrestling coming out of Elimination Chamber, as we head toward a dull Fastlane and who knows what kind of Wrestlemania.

The Tuesday Shows

Brings a whole new layer to the “two heroes accidentally fight” thing.
Not much to say about the Tuesday shows this week, albeit for different reasons.