Sunday, June 30, 2024

JUNE PILE OF LOOT FINALE: Super Action Stuff Effects


Since it’s the end of June, I should probably post the last thing from the June Pile of Loot, which took me a while to be able to photograph. It’s an accessory pack from Super Action Stuff that went on sale in a BigBadToyStore /daily Deal so I got it for cheap. Super Action Stuff are the people that made those arcade machines full of fun accessories I got earlier this year.

Anyway, the guns, swords, knives, and head are all from my Joe Classified accessories bag, but everything else - all the firing effects, the blood swipes, the blood splatter, the rocket, the lightning, etc. are what came with the pack.

A lot of the fire effects have holes and pegs and such but I don’t know what thye’re supposed to be sized for. Certainly nothing Classified. But that’s what blue-tac is for. Not sure I’ll ever need the ricochet effects, but again, it was on a good sale, and most of it should come in handy at some point.

As or the rest of june? Four wrestlers, five impulse non-wrestler purchases, and three things I did just for fun. I mean, I do all of this for fun, but you know. Specific ideas for photos versus “look what I just opened up” pics.

Saturday, June 29, 2024


 Fun fact. After compliting a bunch of photo editing this morning, I have 13 pictures after this one to post to get caught up with my June purchases and projects. WHEEE! Anyway, Claudio!

Friday, June 28, 2024

FIG PHOTO: “we Wrestleternia!”

 Some more fun with the Masters of the Universe figures and my grotty old ring background. This is another one I’d like to redo once I set the ring up again and finish another project I’ve been procrastinating on HARD.

Anyway, w’ve got Sekeletor and Mer-Man vs. New Day and Cringer, with Adam efereeing. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Got figs 14, 15, 16, and 17 in the mail today, so Wrestling Month is… almost over? Here’s some classic flavor.

Monday, June 24, 2024

JUNE IS WRESTLING MONTH: Ring Of Honor Danhausen


OK, I didn’t have time to set up The Arena for this, which is a shame, , and all my old arena pics are in different software, so you’ll have to settle for this kludge.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The 2024 Grand Rewiring


Had to replace the OLED TV because of six or seven years worth of burn-in. Notice the before and after pics of the screens above. Which meant a GRAND REWIRING. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

JUNE IS WRESTLING MONTH: As Close As I’ll Get To A ‘Holy Grail’

A lot of toy collectors have “holy grails”, items they’ve been searching for forever and want more than life itself. I don’t really have that.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

JUNE IS WRESTLING MONTH: Asuka, Charlotte, Sasha


June continues to be busy, and continues as I build out the collection of WWE women’s wrestlers with a couple of Ultimates and an eBay snag.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

PHOTO: Life Imitating Art Imitating Life

So last weekend, a good friend took my brother and I to Starcade in St. Paul, a giant space full of classic arcade games set to free play with a pay-once unlimited play setup. And it was a goddamned blast and you’re damn right I’ll be back.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


June is shaping up to be a truly decadent month when it comes to toys, for a bunch of reasons, but also it’s turning into a VERY wrestling-heavy month, both in-hand and in the near future.