Monday, January 13, 2025

HOLDAY+: Super7 Mandora The Evil-Chaser

Thundercats Roar will not be memory-holed. Not on my watch.I’ve wanted this Thundercats Ultimates Mandora ever since I knew it was a thing thanks to the Thundercats Roar episode, “Mandora, The Evil Chaster”.

Thundercats Roar was a Teen Titans Go style goofy take on Thundercats, and one of the best things about it was them including some clearly insane shit in an episode and you thinking “they made this up for Roar” and then looking it up and realizing, no, that madness was som OG Thundercats shit.

Anyway the Mandora episode is great and the show is great and you can’t watch it except for a few clips buried deep on YouTube because everything sucks and streaming sucks and Warner Brothers sucks.

But if you were to somehow come into possession of the full series, you could grab some screenshots from it and assemble a mockup of one of the closing moments of the episode using the Super7 Mandora and Lion-O. You see, Mandora thinks Lion-O is an oaf, and Lion-O is convinced he knows what OAF stands for.

As for the figure, it’s on the “good” side of the Super7 Ultimates specturm, with articulation that’s limited but functional, three heads, some hands, handcuffs, weapons, and gadget accessories. It didn’t make me angry at any point messing with it, and for a Super7 figure, that is my highest form of praise. And only applies to about 2/3 of my small Super7 collection.

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