Wednesday, January 29, 2025

GOT: Brave New World Bap (Marvel Legends)

Finally, I have a Sam Wilson Cap of my own.I mean, I have a SamCap. The Diamond Select one. Because Hasbro decided to make the wings a Build A Figure for fuck’s sake. I think they rereleased a comic version later but goddamn.

But the Diamond Select one isn’t really mine. It’s Kimnchi’s. It hangs below a cat shelf and is BERB THAT MUST BE MURDERED. Replacing Homecoming Vulture, who falls apart more when batted at.

So this Sam is mine and goddamn those wings. The figure itself is very good but most Marvel Legends these days have a minimum quality standard and a maximum quality ceiling and there’s not a lot of room in there. But the wings are the best wings Marvel’s ever made.They’ve got three bends in them, one more bend than any other wings, and for this character and these wings and how he uses them they’re ideal.

Tow heads, some hands, a shield, a Redwing drone. But it’s all about the wings,, which honestly makes me look at the Angel figure they made a while ago for the same price, with hardly any accessories and much simpler wings and wonder what the fuck Hasbro is up to sometimes.

For the pic I just took a still from one of the trailers where he lands kind of like this because, well, the movie ain’t out yet.

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