Tuesday, January 21, 2025

‘24’S LAST WRASSLERS: The Hurricane!

STAND BACK!The Hurricane (a.k.a. Gregory “Shane” Helms) is the who, the why, and the how of what has become my enduring taste in wrestling. Smaller, athletic wrestler with a ridiculous, hilarious gimmick, that you can root for unironically.

I have a bunch of old Hurricane figures, but when  they announced a new Elite with what I consider to be the “definitive” Hurricane costume, I knew he had to be my new default Hurricane.

Cloth cape, extra hands. Would have loved another accessory or two (second facial expression) but it’s part of a Build A Figure wave so now I have The Great Khali’s arms instead.

For the pic, I decided to use Danhausen, who in many ways fills that ecological niche that Hurricane did, and since both of them are known for trying or succeeding to chokeslam much larger wrestlers, let’s have them double-chokeslam Luchasaurus while exchanging a meaningful look!

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