“My name is Freshly Squeezed Orange Cassidy, and I STILL don’t need a catchphrase!”I was on the fence about Black Outfit Orange Cassity when it came out. While, sure, he was wearing his darker blue gear at the time, this particular outfit was a one-off when he tagged with Danhausen one time so they could match.
But then he started wearing the black for the Death Riders storyline. And sure, by the time the then-backordered figure came in and shipped to me, that story had ended VERY unsatisfactorily and was largely forgotten about, at the time I ordered it, it looked like Orange Oscuro was going places.
(For those of you not into wrestling lore, I call him Orange Oscuro as a reference to Pentagon Oscuro, the AEW iteration of Pentagon Dark, the super-evil version of Pentagon El Cero M / Pentagon Jr.. that ruled Lucha Underground for a time.)
Anyway, if you’re wondering whether Jazwares has perfected, or even improved, on the Orange Cassidy figure making since the very first wave of AEW Unrivaled, the answer is no. The original figure had some flaws but they were mainly drawbacks related to how they solved the problem of “can he put his hands in his pockets” which for me is the defining pose for any OC figure.
So, yeah, this OC has a backpack (great) and an International Champoinship (great) and improved leg mobility (fine but Jazwares hips still mostly suck) and a half-thumb hand (expected) and a cloth jacket (good) but no t-shirt (boo) and hard-sculped pocketless pants (super boo).
We really dese3rve a super-deluxe Orange Cassidy with one or two separate t-shirts (the current ones with shirts just have a shirt front sewn into the jacket), a separate cloth jacket, and cloth pants with working pockets, plus a sculpted glasses head.
Anyway, the shot is pretty standard - everything you’ll see here and in the first batch of 2025 wrestling pics are all being used to, behind the scenes, build out a complement of digital arenas. So a ton of invisible work goes into them to save me all that work later.
Ultimately, the goal is to make 18 of them. Three horizontal angles, three vertical angles (so nine total), one set in white ropes, one set in red ropes, all with crowds, floor mats, and a separate front posts-and-ropes layer. I’ve done six, plus two partials. I also have three heights of ringsides to do for the left and right sides of the ring, of which I’ve done… one. Heh.
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