Monday, December 9, 2024

SALE BUY: G.I. Joe Classified Nightcreeper and Jinx

A couple of big buts from the Classified line.Nightcreeper and Jinx, a couple of Ninja types in either side of the Cobra/Joe ideological divide, were both figures I saw, thought looked neat, and didn’t quite meat the threshold of buying full price. Contrary to what it seems like on this blog, I can’t buy EVERY toy that catches my eye.

But if Wal-Mart wants to put them on sale for half the price of free shipping each? Well, suddenly my demeanor changes.

Nightcreeper is a purple ninja with two swords, a five-arrow crossbow, a backpack, and an extra head plus some hands. Jinx is a red ninja with one sword, a scabbard, an extra head, and a blindfold because she trained under one of those blind master tropes. Jinx comes out a little lighter on the “ounces of plastic per penny” scale as a result, but not bad. Just a smidge light by Classified standardss.

All feature the usual Classified full range of articulation, attention to detail, and excellent paint apps, as far as I can tell. Nightcreeper is a little low contrast to me, but most toys are.

Nightcreeper also commes with one free crossbow bolt, which you can blue-tac to a sword for a “behind the back blind deflection” moment and then get rid of the blue-tac in post.

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