Sunday, December 29, 2024

My Fifteen Favorite Toys of 2024: #6-#4

Gonna do that thing everyone does in the last week of the year and do a countdown of my fifteen favorite additions to the toy collection this year. This is a random mix of objective quality, love of the character, general emotional resonance, and collecting milestones. I’m also going to do my 15 favorite toy pics of the year. Three per day. Should just about take me to 2025. The penultimate trio!

#6: GI Joe Classified Tele-Viper and Flight Pod (Trubble Bubble)

If you want to know what I like about G.I. Joe Classified, and G.I. Joe in general, just look at the Trubble Bubble. It’s the weird shit. The crazy designs. The off-the-rails 80’sness of it all. 

This right here is a hell of a toy. The clear canopy has HUD elements printed on it. The Tele-Viper is a full Classified figure with extra swappable heads and hands and gear. There’s a ton of detail, lots of fiddly bits, and things you think would move move. It has one small engineering flaw regarding how the side missles attach and don’t stay in, but otherwise, it’s a magnificent hunk of plastic.

#5: Jazwares “Vault Exclusive” Ring of Honor Danhausen

By every measure, Jazwares attempt to sell Ring of Honor figures through its exclusive “Vault” store was a failure. For the most part, the figures weren’t great or particularly relevant, and almost all of them ended up on Ringside Collectibles as well, often at reduced prices. But we did get the Briscoes, and more importantly, I got “Ring Of Honor” Danhausen.

AKA classic indies Danhausen, aka Rise of Danhausen Danhausen, with a near-perfect rendition of his tan cape and a jar of teeth. Which means, at this point, the only Danhausen Jazwares hasn’t given us is Very Evil Danhausen with the coat and the different face paint and the teeth and the spike. It’d be nice to get that at some point. But four Danhausen figures is still a lot of Danhausen figures, and this one I think is my favorite.

A#4: AEW Ringside Exclusive Black and White “Timeless” Toni Storm

What can I say about this figure that I didn’t say a month ago? It captures the person and the character in a way a lot of Jazwares AEW figures, even the good ones, miss the mark on slightly. Possibly the single best head Jazwares has made in this line. Then you have the accessories, the black and white paint job… it’s damn near perfect. How is damn near perfect #4? Well, some things are more special for other reasons.

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