Wednesday, June 5, 2024

PHOTO: Life Imitating Art Imitating Life

So last weekend, a good friend took my brother and I to Starcade in St. Paul, a giant space full of classic arcade games set to free play with a pay-once unlimited play setup. And it was a goddamned blast and you’re damn right I’ll be back.And, as I very much hoped they would, they had a sit-down Star War: The Arcade Game machine, allowing me to creat3e a real life photo of a toy photo inspired by my real life. 

Are you wondering if I did in fact search the Internet for X-Wing pilot cosutme T-Shirts in the hopes of making a return visit? Of course I did. Couldn’t find any from what seemed like a trustworthy vendor and/or that didn’t look like shit, but perhaps I will look some more.

And let’s face it, if Insta is gonna train Meta’s AI and we can’t opt out of it, I might as well “help” by training it on ridiculous shit like this.

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