Saturday, December 28, 2024

My Fifteen Favorite Toy PIcs Of 2024: #9-#7

Also gonna do the end of year countdown thing for my fifteen favorite pictures I made with toys in this year..  It’s a mix of my favorite ideas, what I think is my best execution, and skill milestones.Three per day. Should just about take me to 2025. Let’s do 9, 8, and 7.

#9: “Deadpool And Skeleton”

Thison honestly is my one pure execution pick. for me. No concept beyond “reccreate a shot from the movie using the movie fig” but man do I love how this one looks. If Marvel Legends could somehow cross their legs naturally it’d be as close as I’ve come to perfect.

#8: “Prowler’s Lair”

Another execution pic, but not a pure one, because it’s not a recreation of a shot per se, it’s a blend of elements recreating a moment from a different angle (and, I believe, technically, using the opposite hand).

This one has a ton of layers and lighting modifications to get the effect I wanted and is probably the fanciest pic I made this year. 

#7: “Normie Squad at the DMV”

This is three layers. Half the crowd, half the crowd, background. Just a giant wad of figures all lined up waiting for their tabs and their licenses. Setting it up was, as you  might imagine, a pain int he ass, although like any good community, they supported each other.

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