Monday, December 16, 2024

DUMBEST* PURCHASE EVER: The Gobbledygooker!


Mattel calling this an Ultimate Series figure is… a stretch.I mean, I get it, because it was all new tooling. Theyt literally couldn’t use the bits from any other wrestler, so making him an Ultimate at the Ultimate price point makes business sense. But Ultimate figures are known for their articulation and accessories, and ol’ Turkey Neck here ain’t anything to write home about on either front.

Limited range of motion due to the sculpt. One alternate head. Two alternate hands. That’s it. The egg is or was (technically) a separate purchase and a Ringside exclusive. BUT.

The figure with the egg went on sale for fifteen bucks. And at that price, how could I not own one of wrestling’s more infamous failures? Especially since the closest to an accurate Shockmaster they made was a con exclusive that ain’t nobody selling…

Anyway, it’s a wrestling turkey from 1990. There’s not much else to say. The egg is in three pieces - two halves and the top cracked shell. There are a couple of open hands, and a second head I think represents a later or earlier iteration of the costume? I could and probably will look that up at some point but I haven’t.

Partly because I felt it was necessary to spend my time assembling a clean version of the table the egg hatched on from a mix of Survivor Series screenshots and digital “wizardry”.  The angles in the final pic are weird and the scaling’s not what I was intending but also how much effort am I gonna put into a clearance price wrestling turkey? Already too much effort, that’s how much.

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