Friday, January 10, 2025




So, my last big order before the holidays was a couple of new arcade machines from GalacticBasic on Etsy, who made the Star Wars cabinet that was in my top three toys of 2024. He’s been expanding his form factors and custom cabinets, so now part of the line is a driving cabinet with one of four different sticker arrays. I picked Out Run because first, FUCKING OUT RUN, and second, I someday want to make the correct version of this picture.

The machine is excellent - separate seat piece, bright, crisp, vibrant stickers, and just generally looks the part. Would highly recommend if you’re into this kind of thing.

For the pic - what I should be able to do is pose this Out Run machine with action figures of The Youngest Men Alive, the most vascular tag team on the planet, The Outrunners. But Jazwares hasn’t come through for me. So instead I took all the bits off a Classified Gung Ho and Gnawgahyde (spoiler alert for future posts), posed them appropriately, then blurred out most of them as stand-ins until Jazwares gets off their asses.

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