Thursday, January 16, 2025

HOLIDAY AND BEYOND: Count Chocula Asterisk

Thank you, poster tac and careful posing.So, I got a Count Chocula at the same time I got Franken Berry, but another one will be here in the near future along with a Boo Berry. That’s because, in either a moment of indelicacy or a manufacturing issue, as soon as I handled the left arm it snapped off at the elbow joint.

I ain’t mad at Jada. I’ve had this happen before, very often at elbows, with other lines, and the Mascot plastic is very hard and very thin at the arms. But for purposes of photography, I either had to wait for the replacement or fudge it, and I decided to fudge it.

Other than that, what i said about Franken Berry yesterday still holds true. Accurate weird proportions, second giant head (although this one is mainly just a difference in eye position whereas Frank had a whole other facial expression)k OK articulation given the weird proportions, cereal box accessory. 

I did realize in the last 24 hours that a very Jada extra mile accessory would have been a bowl of the cereal and a spoon with some clever engineering to get them to “hold” it in their ginormous hands, but that’s the only thing I can think of still.

For the photo, I don’t have a LOT of figures that work with vampires, but I do have Splinter as Van Helsing, so from there it was just a matter of posing, lighting, and shadows.

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