The collection did need an Old Edge.Yes, it’s Adam Copeland, currently being billed as Cope, joining the collection as the last wrestling figure acquired (posted) in 2024. Technically he arrived in the same box as Hurricane and Orange Oscuro, within a day in either direction of Bret Hart, but this pic has the most recent timestamp, so it counts as “last”.
This is one of those “the fig is good and I kinda need to fill this hole” purchases. At the time it was pre-ordered, Copeland was still on the shelf from a broken leg, and I had reasonably fond, or at least not-mad, views of his initial run in AEW. Right now he’s feuding with the Death Riders and in the main title contention and I’m not really a fan of any of that but I try not to hold it against him.
The figure is very well done - good gear, good sculpt, all very lively and crisp.
This is my standard entrance ramp shot, but I did try to add pyro to it. I should / could have added smoke to / behind the pyro, but in the rush of “getting all the new figures done”, I’d already put more effort into this than was really wise.
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