Thursday, October 3, 2024

PULSECON: VHS Vulture / Spider-Man 2-Pack!

Remember what I’ve been saying about two-packs I only really need one of?I mean, I’m not mad at another Spider-Man. I’m not mad at a S-M:TAS Spidey without the cel-shading to go along with the cel-shaded one I already have. I’m not mad at the extra Peter Parker head it came with, the extra Flash Thompson head it came with (sitting on Amazing Friends Spidey, above), and the little “pulled off mask” bit of plastic (in Flash’s hand, above). 

But I’m here for the Vulture.

This is one of those rare cases where the animated series version is its own thing, and not an otherwise fine stand-in for the comics version. Animated Vulture had a very different costume, and also the ability to steal life force to make himself younger. Hence he comes with a younger head, not shown, because FUCK YOUNG VULTURE. But also why Old Adrian isn’t as old and as birdlike as Comics Vulture. So I still will need a classic comics vuture at some point.

But he’s very cool. He has the same wing system as Comics Falcon on the arms, but in a translucent green. Good sculpt, classic Marvel Legends articulation, good paint, good design. The Spidey is STILL not on the Renew Your Vows body, which is hilarious to me because someday I’m gonna get a Spidey with that bodey after getting, I think, three other figures with that articulation scheme already even though it debuted with Spidey.

One shit here, on a repurposed Animated Spidey background from an actual Vulture episode. It was nice that Flash lined up with the bushes in the back so that I could have him hiding.

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