Monday, October 7, 2024

FOMO BUY: Robot Batman

 Rules are made to be broken.I understand it may not seem like it to the casual observer, but I do put some guardrails up to keep me from buying every goddamn toy I think is cool. The guidelines vary from property to property and line to line, some are looser, some are tighter, but they’re there to make sure tha when I do go outside them, it’s very deliberate and intentional and I don’t end up with stuff that, five years from now, I’m wondering why the hell I bought it.

So, McFarlane Batman ‘66 Robot Batman. I skipped him when his wave came out because he lives outside the guidelines. The Batman ‘66 guidelines are only getting characters from the show, or classic Batman characters who didn’t appear in the show but who are in the style of the show. So, for example, Two-Face and Nightwing fall into the second category. 

There was no Robot Batman in the show. Robot Batman is not a classsic Batman character. So I did not buy Robot Batman.

Until I’d hit like (does some quick research) nine months of regretting it. Ten months of on and off thinking about the figure and how cool it was and how it was a shame it fell outside the guidelines. Was it still in stock? Yes. Could I throw it in my Pile? I could. Was it even slightly less than original retail? Yes it was. So now I have Robot Batman.

I mean, look at it. All rivets and flanges and clamps. The weird half-Batman dome head. The jet boots. I know NOTHING about the comics character or story. But man, does it look good. Still the retro articulation of the Batman ‘66 line - the only line where I find that acceptable and appropriate - but a cloth cape and a great sculpt and paint.

One shot, thanks to a VERY precarious DC Multiverse flying stand. Thought I might have to adjust the relative heights in post but it worked out. Pulled the Gotham City sign into a pic of the actual cave used in the series for the Batcave and grabbed a computer console from the Batcave playset.

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