Saturday, October 26, 2024

IT HAD THE BOX! GI Joe Classified Starduster


I almost regretted snap-pre-ordering this.

See, it was during the heady days of Hasbro Pulse-Con, and they announced this GI Joe Classified Pulse exclusive He Has A “Starduster” Real Name I’m Not Looking Up figure using promotional pictures of him holding a cereal box.

See, Starduster was one of the characters used for GI Joe Cereal boxes, and in fact was offered as a mail-away figure on the cereal box. So they used that in the promo pictures and I thought “JETPACK AND TINY CEREAL BOX PRE-ORDER NOW CLICK PLACE ORDER!”

And then I scrolled through the official pics on the Hasbro site, and the pic showing everything that came in the box had NO CEREAL BOX. But the die had been cast. And he was still a jetpack guy.

So the figure arrives, and there, as part of the backing card, is a perforated, fold-and-glue-it-yourself* cereal box! The day was saved. 

The box isn’t the actual cereal box (large, above) I used for the picture - it’s as if they made a version of it with this figure and left off most of the branding, but it’s cool and has a non-functioning crossword puzzle on the back.

Anyway, he’s cool for a more “normal” Classified figure. He’s got a helmet and a Chad head and an alternate more robotty helmet head and a couple of guns and a knife and a jet pack and the blast effects for the jet pack. So I’d have been disappointed without the cereal box but it wouldn’t have made the figure completely worthless. A solid effort.

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